Yesterday I was talking with my colleague Alex at Vector Informatik GmbH and I told him that I wanted to write a post series about the SOLID principles of Uncle Bob, (Robert C. Martin), so I am going to keep my work and start it here with this post.
I personally find very important to have a high quality in our code and in the development process, where all is intuitive and logic, because it follows standards and patterns. We are craftsmen and a good craftsman can’t permit himself not to do his work at his best. In the following posts we will talk about the SOLID principles, here you have an overview of the series:
- Single Responsibility Principle: A class should have only a single reason to change.
- Open Closed Principle: A class should be open for extension and closed for modification.
- Liskov’s Substitution Principle: Derived classes should be easily replaced with their base classes.
- Interface Segregation Principle: It is better to build many client specific interfaces as only a general purpose one.
- Dependency Inversion Principle: Your design should depend upon abstractions, not upon concretions.
Good to have you onboard! I´m looking forward reading the series – and seeing you applying it in every day life 😉