How to install AEM 5.6.1 on an application server like Tomcat

  Many companies have already invested money on having their technological stack running on a concrete application server and/or they may want to profit from the benefits of an application server so. Although CQ comes already shipped as a standalone application that can be executed by itself, with it’s own servlet engine, you can also […]

Adobe CQ5 Create your own predicates for pathfields

“What can I do to restrict the selection of my pathfield widget? I don’t want to do it simply based on the rootPath, I know you did this before, can you teach it to me?” This is a question that my team mates frequently ask me, so I decided to create a post because maybe […]

Activate annotations for your custom components on Adobe CQ5

Annotations is a feature that Adobe CQ5 provides in Editor Mode, it allows the author to write a note on a component so the other authors or himself/herself can see it later, draw something and more fancy stuff. You can take a look to its documentation here. What happened to me last week was that […]

Create a package in Adobe CQ5

This is a very simple trick that I had to use yesterday in work. What can you do if you want some content on a server and you want to test it on another one? Or if you have some functions, or even an application and you want to install it on another CQ Instance? […]

Empty Sidekick 4 common ways to fix it Adobe CQ5

Did it ever happen to you? You are developing your components and there is nothing to add in the sidekick, or even worse, you become a bug (with no clues) in which they tell you, “hey! The sidekick doesn’t show any component, we need it for now so we can continue testing our components for […]

Complex client side dialog validation with JavaScript in Adobe CQ5

Few days ago I saw in Mark Daugherty’s blog how to provide complex dialog validation with a Servlet, you can also take a look to Sling Servlets in my post about dynamic dialogs. Today, I will provide you a quicker client side validation alternative, indicated if you do not need to access the content and all […]

Static and dynamic dialogs in Adobe CQ5

In a selection widget there are two ways to provide the available options, dynamic or static. In the following lines we will discuss how to use them and when. Static options They are used when the the options are always the same. Making them static will result in a faster response and better performance of […]

Adobe CQ5 No more prints!! How to debug better your JavaScript files

Have you ever created a validation file for a dialog? What about extending or creating a new widget? The most normal situation here is, that after designing and programming them you may want to test them, but when you open your favorite browser’s developer suite you discover that CQ loads all the JavaScript files in […]

Adobe CQ5 How to prevent the author to type text in pathfield

Hello everybody, I want to start sharing my knowledge in CQ with this little and easy post. I will break the ice saying that Adobe CQ is an enterprise CMS that runs on a Java SE platform, which is built on standard technologies like JCR, the OSGi Framework and Apache Sling, but I will left […]