Create a package in Adobe CQ5
This is a very simple trick that I had to use yesterday in work. What can you do if you want some content on a server and you want to test it on another one? Or if you have some functions, or even an application and you want to install it on another CQ Instance? […]
Empty Sidekick 4 common ways to fix it Adobe CQ5
Did it ever happen to you? You are developing your components and there is nothing to add in the sidekick, or even worse, you become a bug (with no clues) in which they tell you, “hey! The sidekick doesn’t show any component, we need it for now so we can continue testing our components for […]
Enterprise Java Masterclass
In vier Wochen zum Enterprise Java Consultant! In Logica, now part of CGI, haben wir ein neues Trainee-Programm! Willst du mehr darüber erfahren? Meine Kollegen haben viele interessante Themen und ich halte die JBoss Application Server 7 Vorlesung, deswegen werde ich hier eine Postserie anfangen, um mit euch den Inhalt meiner Vorlesung zu teilen. Am […]
Sprint Backlog – Scrum Artifacts (and II) – Introduction to Scrum
Do you remember the “ready” or “actionable” items of the Product Backlog that we saw on wednesday? The Sprint Backlog is formed with the “ready” Product Backlog’s items that are selected for the Sprint by the Development Team in the Sprint Planning Meeting plus the plan to deliver an Increment and achieve the Sprint Goal. This […]
Product Backlog – Scrum Artifacts (I) – Introduction to Scrum
The Scrum Artifacts are documents that represent work or value to provide transparency and opportunities for inspection and adaptation. Today we will pay attention to the Product Backlog and the next day we will finish our Scrum’s introduction series with the Sprint Backlog. The Product Backlog is an ordered item list, in which each item […]
Scrum Events (and V) Sprint Retrospective – Introduction to Scrum
Today we will finish our overview to the Scrum Events with the Sprint Retrospective. This 3 hours proportional time-boxed event is focused on the Scrum Team’s improvement. The purpose is to inspect the Scrum Team itself and create an improvements plan for the next Sprint. How can we do it? First, we have to inspect […]
Complex client side dialog validation with JavaScript in Adobe CQ5
Few days ago I saw in Mark Daugherty’s blog how to provide complex dialog validation with a Servlet, you can also take a look to Sling Servlets in my post about dynamic dialogs. Today, I will provide you a quicker client side validation alternative, indicated if you do not need to access the content and all […]
Scrum Events (IV) Sprint Review – Introduction to Scrum
The Sprint review is done at the end of the Sprint which the goal of inspecting the increment and adapt the Product Backlog. It is time-boxed to 4 proportional hours. It is an informal meeting to get feedback and increase collaboration, done between the Scrum Team and the Stakeholders, to review what was done in […]
Alberto Almagro interviewed by Javier Garzás
Today Ph. D. Javier Garzás, Professor and researcher at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid and CEO at Kybele Consulting, interviews me in his blog about the situation of the german’s market for spanish software engineers. Access to the interview (in spanish) First part Second part
Video: Agile Product Ownership
Today you will not find to much text. On friday I discovered this video of Henrik Kniberg in Javier Garzas’ blog. I wanted to share it with you because I think it supports perfectly the Scrum Introduction series I am writing at the moment. I hope you enjoy it. More about Henrik here.